ASF collects Zakat and distributes it to needy families according to our
ASF believes that education is paramount in the lives of individuals
and the community. We encourage parent to always be attentive their
children’s educational needs. This can be achieved by surrounding
them with the love, the support and the environment to guarantee their
success. Financial assistance could be provided for qualified students
attending private Islamic schools.
ASF encourages our community members to enhance their skills to
maximize their chances for a faster upward move in their careers. This
could be achieved through school, workshops, trainings, etc. ASF can
help with information, counseling, and connection with successful
professionals and mentors in our community.
ASF main objective is to assist individuals or families facing a financial
challenge due to unemployment, sickness, natural catastrophes, or
else. We will inquire about the situation, and if need is justified ASF
will organize a fundraising to alleviate the financial burden. We believe
that no Algerian should be left in a vulnerable position. ASF will also
provide information on additional federal, state, or county resources
that could be tapped into.
ASF will help new comers to the Bay Area settle. This assistance
could be by finding roommates for singles, or temporary rental for
families. Additionally, ASF will help with furniture, transportation and
finances till individuals and families become self-sufficient.
“The most detestable of lawful things before Allah is divorce“
“The husband must retain his wife with honor or separate with grace
(Quran Surat Al Bakarah, Ayah 229)”
ASF offers the possibility to mediate between married couples. The
reconciliation is done through trusted and respected individuals who
are bound by confidentiality. The process is done in a traditional
fashion conforming to our values. If reconciliation cannot be achieved,
ASF will facilitate a smooth closing of the relationship.
The challenges facing our youth can be overwhelming. These
challenges arise mostly from the double culture they live in, at home
and at school or in their social circle of peers. Challenges also occur
when becoming independent and responsible for oneself. ASF can
provide mentoring from older individuals who crossed the same path
before them. The sharing of the experiences can prove valuable so
that mistakes can be avoided. We believe that young people have the
potential to bring about positive change in their communities. They
represent the future of our community and we need to prepare them
the best we can.
“The most detestable of lawful things before Allah is divorce“
“The husband must retain his wife with honor or separate with grace
(Quran Surat Al Bakarah, Ayah 229)”
ASF offers the possibility to mediate between married couples. The
reconciliation is done through trusted and respected individuals who
are bound by confidentiality. The process is done in a traditional
fashion conforming to our values. If reconciliation cannot be achieved,
ASF will facilitate a smooth closing of the relationship.
“The most detestable of lawful things before Allah is divorce“
“The husband must retain his wife with honor or separate with grace
(Quran Surat Al Bakarah, Ayah 229)”
ASF offers the possibility to mediate between married couples. The
reconciliation is done through trusted and respected individuals who
are bound by confidentiality. The process is done in a traditional
fashion conforming to our values. If reconciliation cannot be achieved,
ASF will facilitate a smooth closing of the relationship.
ASF endeavors to help individuals who desire to marry by connecting
them in a private manner compliant with our values.
ASF provides complete care for deceased community members in the
Bay Area. We will coordinate and manage all steps of the process
from contacting the authorities and families, to obtaining the
necessary documentation, to burial either here or by shipping the body
to Algeria to the family. ASF will conduct fundraising to cover cost
when needed.
We invite you to join our volunteer team and become a member or our community in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area.
If you have ideas, suggestions, projects or just want to join and support our Algerian community, we love to hear from you.